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IO1: Artificial Intelligence in Education: A new curriculum

Primary target groups: teachers, school authorities and policy makers at local, national and EU level

Shape: a new curriculum (pdf document on English, Croatian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese) with a specific educational purpose: complete and interdisciplinary introduction of artificial intelligence into students' formal primary education.

Content: expected outcomes (knowledge, skills, interest, motivation); innovative methodology (PBL, GBL, STEM); activities for students, tasks, projects.

Duration of the educational program: 35 working hours for each group of students (curriculum and all materials are prepared for two target group of students: 10-12 and 13-15 years-old).

The goal is to improve student learning, develop and improve their knowledge and skills for future education, future jobs and lifelong learning.

Objectives: complete and balanced development of all students' abilities, especially in the fields of robotics, coding and artificial intelligence; training for lifelong learning and the gradual assumption of care and responsibility for our own development and life in modern society; empower students to interact effectively with others based on an appreciation of the diversity and well-being of others and to participate actively and responsibly in community life.








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IO2: Challenges and opportunities of the new era: A Handbook for Teachers 1.

Primary target groups: teachers, school authorities and policy makers at local, national and EU level

Secondary target group: students 10 - 12 years old

Shape: a handbook for teachers (pdf document on English, Croatian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese) with a specific educational purpose: complete and interdisciplinary introduction of artificial intelligence into students' formal primary education

Content: expected outcomes (knowledge, skills, interest, motivation); innovative methodology (PBL, GBL, STEM); activities for students, tasks, projects

Duration of the educational program: 36 working hours 

The goal is to improve student learning, develop and improve their knowledge and skills for future education, future jobs and lifelong learning.

Objectives: To provide teachers with tools and resources to: Define basic concepts in the field of AI; Describe functions of AI as well as current limitations; Use equipment; Apply basic principles of coding to demonstrate understanding of AI concepts; Evaluate applications of AI technologies; Create a project that uses AI to solve real-world problems; Transfer the knowledge about AI and its practical usage to their students; Take advantage of the AI; As a guide to implement and carry out AI activities as well as student workshops; As a guide to address the AI with the involvement of the school community






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IO2: Challenges and opportunities of the new era: A Handbook for Teachers 2.

Primary target groups: teachers, school authorities and policy makers at local, national and EU level

Secondary target group: students 13 - 15 years old

Shape: a handbook for teachers (pdf document on English, Croatian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese) with a specific educational purpose: complete and interdisciplinary introduction of artificial intelligence into students' formal primary education

Content: expected outcomes (knowledge, skills, interest, motivation); innovative methodology (PBL, GBL, STEM); activities for students, tasks, projects

Duration of the educational program: 34 working hours 

The goal is to improve student learning, develop and improve their knowledge and skills for future education, future jobs and lifelong learning.

Objectives: To provide teachers with tools and resources to: Define basic concepts in the field of AI; Describe functions of AI as well as current limitations; Use equipment; Apply basic principles of coding to demonstrate understanding of AI concepts; Evaluate applications of AI technologies; Create a project that uses AI to solve real-world problems; Transfer the knowledge about AI and its practical usage to their students; Take advantage of the AI; As a guide to implement and carry out AI activities as well as student workshops; As a guide to address the AI with the involvement of the school community





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IO2: Challenges and opportunities of the new era: A Handbook for Students 2.

Primary target group: students 13 - 15 years old

Secondary target groups: teachers, school authorities and policy makers at local, national and EU level

Shape: a handbook for teachers (pdf document on English, Croatian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese) with a specific educational purpose: complete and interdisciplinary introduction of artificial intelligence into students' formal primary education

Content: expected outcomes (knowledge, skills, interest, motivation); innovative methodology (PBL, GBL, STEM); activities for students, tasks, projects

Duration of the educational program: 34 working hours 

The goal is to improve student learning, develop and improve their knowledge and skills for future education, future jobs and lifelong learning.

Objectives: To provide teachers with tools and resources to: Define basic concepts in the field of AI; Describe functions of AI as well as current limitations; Use equipment; Apply basic principles of coding to demonstrate understanding of AI concepts; Evaluate applications of AI technologies; Create a project that uses AI to solve real-world problems; Transfer the knowledge about AI and its practical usage to their students; Take advantage of the AI; As a guide to implement and carry out AI activities as well as student workshops; As a guide to address the AI with the involvement of the school community






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IO2: Challenges and opportunities of the new era: A Handbook for Students 1.

Primary target group: students 10 - 12 years old

Secondary target groups: teachers, school authorities and policy makers at local, national and EU level

Shape: a handbook for teachers (pdf document on English, Croatian, Dutch, Polish and Portuguese) with a specific educational purpose: complete and interdisciplinary introduction of artificial intelligence into students' formal primary education

Content: expected outcomes (knowledge, skills, interest, motivation); innovative methodology (PBL, GBL, STEM); activities for students, tasks, projects

Duration of the educational program: 36 working hours 

The goal is to improve student learning, develop and improve their knowledge and skills for future education, future jobs and lifelong learning.

Objectives: To provide teachers with tools and resources to: Define basic concepts in the field of AI; Describe functions of AI as well as current limitations; Use equipment; Apply basic principles of coding to demonstrate understanding of AI concepts; Evaluate applications of AI technologies; Create a project that uses AI to solve real-world problems; Transfer the knowledge about AI and its practical usage to their students; Take advantage of the AI; As a guide to implement and carry out AI activities as well as student workshops; As a guide to address the AI with the involvement of the school community






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What is artificial intelligence?

What is AI? interactive lesson

How do we use artificial intelligence in everyday life?


AI Bingo

Bingo sheet

How can computers learn and solve problems?


How do algorithms shape our world?


How do machine learning systems recognize what they see?


Can machine learning recognize poses?


AI privacy and ethical issues


Creating with PoseNet


Let's get fun with an AI!


Let's recycle together!


Let's chat!

Video tutorial

Smart home


Let's meet Codey Rocky


Codey Rocky meets sequences and loops


Codey Rocky drives safely and responsibly


Codey Rocky meets functions


Rock Paper Scissors






Artificial intelligence in robotics


Face detection and recognition for beginners in Scratch


Programing face detection in Scratch

Face detection in Scratch

Programing face recognition in Scratch

Face recognition in Scratch

Object detection and classification for beginners in Scratch


Programing object detection in Scratch


Object classification project


Speech recognition and generation for beginners in Scratch


Programing speech recognition in scratch

Speech-To-Text (STT) in Scratch

Programing speech generation in Scratch

Text-To-Speech (TTS) in Scratch

Project with voice-controlled object


Introduction to hardware - microcontroller, camera and motor driver


Connecting microcontroller with camera and PC and getting started


Building a robot


Programing robots - moving

Driving the robot in Mind+

Programing a robot - object following


Programing a robot - line following
